August 11, 2016

Alolan Exeggutor

On August 1st, the Pokémon company revealed a trailer showing new species from the Alola region, a new attack method, the Z-Move, and, more importantly, Kanto species getting some makeover... the Alola form

Comparison of Kanto Exeggutor and Alolan Exeggutor

Exeggutor, the Coconut Pokémon and the #103 in the National Pokédex, was part of this freshly restoration. This Alolan form has two major changes from the Kanto counterpart. First, it is now a Grass and a Dragon type Pokémon. Why is it part Dragon? Alolan Exeggutor might be based from the Madagascar Dragon Tree. Second, it has two physical adaptation from this tropical climate : a fourth head has grown up on its tail (and it might have grown a tail too) and has a HUGE neck (if you haven't noticed yet).

Its height passed from 6'07'' to freaking 35'09'' and its weight, from 120 kg to 415.6 kg!

Here's the explanation from the Official website : ''The environment of the Alola region, where strong sunlight pours down all year round, brought about this change in Exeggutor’s form. The people of Alola boast that the Alolan Exeggutor is the true form of Exeggutor''.

A Pokédex entry has come to my eyes the same day, from the Bulbapedia page of Exeggutor: ''Exeggutor originally came from the tropics. Its heads steadily grow larger from exposure to strong sunlight (Ruby and Sapphire entries)''. Even if this entry was long before this day, did the Pokémon company plan this Alola form long ago while we were too innocent to believe and notice that kind of information? Even if the answer is yes, or no, they might have studied every entry for the insane, but awesome, comeback.

Game data

Exeggutor's evolution method might also change. Exeggcute haven't still been revealed as an Alolan Pokémon. I'm predicting that Exeggcute will evolve with either the radiation from the Sun Stone or when leveled up (above 40) during sun in the overworld (like Sliggoo with Rain). Why doesn't Alola Exeggcute evolve with a normal Leaf Stone? Well, in the trailer of August 11th, we can see Kanto species, Pikachu and Cubone, evolving in a green aura. Since Exeggcute haven't been announce to have a Alolan form, yet, I'm presuming that it will have the same feature - A new way to evolve -, but I will talk about that on an other post, coming later on.

Exeggutor's ability passed from Chlorophyll to Frisk. Its new ability will be discussed below, in the VGC strategy section.

The Alolan Exeggutor has a different typing which brings new resistances (not exactly) and new weaknesses (I'm using M-Sceptile's type effectiveness chart because they share the dual typing). It has now not seven weaknesses but six (a new 4x weakness to Ice too) and lost 2 resistances (Psychic and Fighting) but gained a 1/4x resistance to Electric.

Type effectiveness of Mega Sceptile
Considering that any Exeggutor has the same total base stat, Alolan Exeggutor's stats will have some changes from its cousin. It is heavier and taller which means that it might be slower when moving. With its fourth head on its new tail, Exeggutor might have a boost in physical attack while dropping some stats in physical defense, its long neck is its weakness. ''Unlike other Exeggutor, the Alolan Exeggutor has a fourth head—on its tail! This fourth head controls the tail independently and can take on opponents to the rear that can’t be reached by the main heads’ attacks. This Pokémon excels at whipping its long neck like a lash to attack with its hard heads. But that neck can sometimes become a weakness...(the Pokémon Company International, 2016)''. Here's what I'm predicting :

Base stats from Kanto Exeggutor

Alolan Stat
HP : 90
ATK : 120
DEF : 60
SP.ATK : 120
SP.DEF : 85
SPEED : 45
TOTAL : 520

Finally, its learnset might have some major changes. Considering that I cannot predict generation VII moves and considering that I don't know all TMs available in Sun and Moon, I will talk only about generations I to VI. By leveling up, every Psychic moves might switch to Dragon moves, such as Outrage, Dragon Rush and Dragon Tail. By breeding, I'm hoping some new stuff from the Grass Egg group.

VGC Strategy

Alolan Exeggutor will have many weaknesses to consider while battling, but it will come handy in some battle scenarios. It is pretty offensive, but still has some good status moves. The best way to use any Exeggutor is either under the sun or... in a Trick Room dimension. Since it lost its part-Psychic type, it will need a partner for setting down this low-priority move. Also, its new ability, Frisk, will come handy to anticipate your opponent - it helps the trainer of the Pokémon with that ability to know every battle held item on your opponent's monsters.

Exeggutor @Rawst Berry
Ability : Frisk
Nature : Brave
IV : 31/31/31/31/31/0 (or any spread with HP Ice)
EV : [Need the official base stat to have a precise calculation]
- Power Whip
- Hidden Power Ice
- Sleep Powder or Any physical Dragon move
- Protect

Alolan Exeggutor is now damaged normally by Fire-type moves thanks to it's newly acquired part-Dragon, but gaining some more physically offensive presence means it is also a target of the burning status condition, and a burned Exeggutor will deal only 50% of its true power. It is the reason why I'm putting a Rawst Berry to cover that weakness. The Brave nature is a great nature to have in a Trick Room team - it lowers the speed to add more physical power. The Individual values (IV) on Exeggutor are important because you need less speed and also, it gives any Pokémon the [Ice] Hidden Power. The Ice Hidden Power is a great move to counter other Dragon (which are also all 4x weak to Ice and any Flying Pokémon - Exeggutor hates birds). Power Whip has the same type attack boost (STAB) and any physical Dragon type too. Finally, Protect is needed in that case because you want to wait for the Trick Room to be set up before unleashing moves. 

It is all for Alolan Exeggutor. If you agree with this strategy or want to highlight a flaw in it, don't be shy and leave a comment down below!


The Bulbapedia page for Exeggutor :

The Official Pokémon Website :